Language Training Bergisch Gladbach
Language Training Bergisch Gladbach

Language training in Bergisch Gladbach and the surrounding area

Translation Center

My language studies, as well as my many years of experience in the field of applied linguistics, enable me to provide additional services in the area of language.

That means that I would like to support you in all matters concerning language and language education.

I also work with various freelance linguists to offer you an “all-round satisfaction” package with my network.

01. Language school

Suppose you are looking for a language teacher. In that case, I can provide you with an online trainer who can give you customized lessons – the proper class for every learning objective, from simple conversation exercises to highly specialized grammar exercises.

02. For children - learning English through play

On occasion, I offer English singing and playing afternoons for preschool groups. It is a joy to see how children parrot everything and happily absorb the languages.

The most effective way to teach language is playful without “pressure to learn.” It should happen naturally and correspond to the children’s play instinct. The little ones can then become great explorers and gather new impressions.

03. Tutoring

If you are looking for an experienced tutor from grade 6, we can find an attractive solution without contract commitment but with guaranteed success.

04. Language travel / Erasmus programs

I support stays abroad and multilingualism from the bottom of my heart. In order to contribute to more language travels, I offer the translation of an NRW Abitur into English free of charge. Please feel free to contact me about this.

You can find an example of this free sample translation here:

» Abitur sample

Language Training